Exercise Program Recommendation

If you’re into Kettlebell training either as a dabbler or as somebody with the serious intention of learning how to use Kettlebells, you must have focus in your training regiments to get the most out of your efforts. This doesn’t just apply to Kettlebell training, it’s true in any skill that requires a level of precision. With kettlebells, I like to think of it as learning how to perform the Perfect Repetition; a movement that is coordinated, automatic, and familiar, and makes my body want to do it again and again.

In order to achieve this perfect rep, my practice has to emphasize consistency of movement. Each rep performed must maintain the elements of perfection (i.e. rack alignment, path of action, lock out)  in order for my body to recognize what I’m asking it to do.  In this process my body will eliminate any variation of movement that does not fit the criteria of the perfect rep, maximizing performance by minimizing inefficiency.

A goal of mine at this time is to increase my ability to snatch a 70lb Kettlebell for repetitions. As I continue to train for this goal I am becoming more comfortable with performing sets of 5 perfect reps. To train that even further I will perform sets of 3 repetitions under a variety of circumstances - multi-sets, ladders, timed intervals, and in complexes - until I feel like I can do 3 perfect snatches back and forth forever.  Then I’ll comfortably begin to train the 70lb snatch at higher levels of fatigue while maintaining consistent and technically proficient form. Naturally 3 reps leads to 6, and 6 to 9, and so on.

With this sort of emphasis on consistency of movement I allow my body to integrate an exercise as part of it’s nature, then when I ask it to perform long bouts or high repetition sets of that exercise I’m not dealing with something that is beyond physical comprehension. Instead I’m dealing with something that is coordinated, automatic, and familiar! Who wouldn’t want to do that again and again? I hope you do. Enjoy!